Will with several legacies and Religious and Charitable Bequests and residue to vest in trustees for benefit of wife and children

Updated atMarch 2010

This is the last will executed by me, AB, etc, this the _______ day in the city of __________________.

  1. I hereby revoke all former wills and codicils heretofore made by me.

  2. I appoint CD, EF, and GH, etc., to be the executors and trustees of this will.

  3. I appoint the said trustees as guardian of my children jointly with my wife.

  4. I bequeath --

    (i) to my wife OP Shares Nos.______ in Company.

    (ii) to my son MN my gold watch, and chain and my Honda Car;

    (iii) to my daughter KL my Bank balance in ______bank

  5. I bequeath the following pecuniary legacies:

    (i) The sum of Rs. _______ to each of the trustees who shall prove my will and act in trust thereof.

    (ii) Rs. _______ to each of my servants MN and Rs_______.

  6. I bequeath the following charitable legacies;

    (i) To the __________ Hospital Rs. ___________,

    (ii) To...

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