Petition of Consent to Grant of Succession Certificate

Updated atMarch 2010

District: South 82-Tekdi

In the Court of the Learned District Delegate at Wantmore

Act39 Case No.300 of 2006


In the matter of:

Shahid Rafiq since deceased of _____, Police Station–Metes, District–South 82-Tekdi, by faith Muslim and Nationality Citizen of India


In the matter of:

An application for grant of Succession Certificate in respect of Back Wages amount lying at the office “TheOil Corporation of India Ltd.” at____ of Shahid Rafiq since deceased under s. 372 of the Indian Succession Act 39 of 1925


In the matter of:

ShahidaBibi, widow of deceased Shahid Rafiq residing at ______, Police Station–Metes, District–South 82-Tekdi ...................Applicant

The humble petition of:

(1) Safiq Rafiq

(2) lafiq Rafiq

(3)Tafiq Rafiq

All sons of deceased Shahid Rafiq residing at ____, Police...

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