Application proforma for Approval of Hotel Projects

Updated atMarch 2010


  1. Proposed name of the Hotel:

  2. Name of Promoters ( a note giving business antecedents may be enclosed):

  3. Complete postal address of the Promoters:

  4. Status of the owners/ Promoters:


    (a) Company (if so, a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association may be furnished), or

    (b)Partnership firm (if so, a copy of Partnership Deed and Certificate of Registeration under the Partnership Act can be furnished). or

    (c) Proprietory concern (give name and address of the Proprietor)

  5. Location of hotel site along with postal address:

  6. Details of the site:

  7. (a) Area

    (b) Title whether outright purchase (if so, a copy of the registered sale deed should be furnished), oron lease (if so, a copy of the registered lease deed should be furnished)

    (c) Whether the required land use permit for the construction of hotel have been obtained (if so, a copy of a certificate from the concerned local authorities should be furnished)

    (d) Distance from railway station.

    (e) Distance from airport

    (f) Distance from main shopping centres.

  8. ...

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