Agreement For Catering

Updated atMarch 2010






THIS AGREEMENT is made on the _____ _________ between _________ CATERERS _______________________ PVT.LTD. (Hereinafter called "the Contractor") of the one part and PRINCIPAL ltd. (Hereinafter called "the Principal") of the other part.

The Principal operates offshore vessels at Mumbai High in support of oil and gas fields and is desirous of using the services provided by the Contractor in the filed of catering and housekeeping services.

The Contractor is engaged in the field of providing catering and house keeping services to maritime and offshore installations.

In consideration of the Contractor undertaking to provide and the principal agreeing to accept services in the field of catering, house keeping, janitorial and laundry services to the Principal''s offshore installations (hereinafter called the "vessel/s" as detailed on Annexure 1), it is mutually agreed as hereunder:

  1. The Scope of work:

    The services offered by The Contractor shall include catering, house keeping, Janitorial & Laundry services for the offshore installations of the Principal namely __________________.

    The services shall include provision of all supplies, labour, supervision and other incidentals (other than tools and equipment) necessary for the complete and satisfactory performance of catering services to the Vessels.

  2. Daily Manday Rate:

    A unit rate of Indian Rupees _______/- per man per day shall be charged for Principal''s personnel on board the vessel subject to a minimum of 65 personnel for Site 1 and 335 personnel for Site 2. Any additional meals served to visitors/representatives of the Principal shall be charged at following rates:

    Breakfast Indian Rupees ________ per person

    Lunch Indian Rupees ________ per person

    Dinner Indian Rupees _______ per person

  3. Period of Agreement

    The period of this agreement between the Principal and Contractor shall be for a period of two years, commencing with _______ renewable on mutual consent.

  4. Contractor's Obligation:

    1. Provide professional cooks, general stewards and other staff to perform designated services to the vessels. The catering staff so provided shall be replaced within a reasonable period of time so as to provide periodical rest to staff members.

    2. Pay salaries and other statutory benefits to Catering crew.

    3. Provide meals, uniforms and shoes to Catering crew.

    4. Ensure periodical medical check-ups for Catering Crew.

    5. Purchase all consumable materials within the Scope of Work of catering and other undertaken services and transport the same to the jetty for onward carriage to the vessels.

    6. Maintain a surplus of stock of food and provisions at each of the Vessels of sufficient quantity for supplying meals for a period of 15 days in the event of delays in transportation of food, provided that Principal shall furnish adequate storage space for such required surplus stock.

    7. Prepare, cook and serve meals as per International Maritime standards i.e. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner - 7 days a Week based on Menu guidelines as per annexure 2).

    8. All meals shall be good and wholesome and shall be prepared and served attractively with sufficient quality and variety of foods, all to the reasonable satisfaction of Principal.

    9. Serve in Dining Halls at pre-scheduled timings.

    10. Maintain a Monthly Inventory...

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