No. 58-4, November 2023
- Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass Through to Consumer Prices: Evidence from Zambia
- Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass Through to Consumer Prices: Evidence from Zambia
- Exchange Rate Changes and the J-curve Effect: Asymmetric Evidence from a Panel of Five Emerging Market Economies
- Exchange Rate Changes and the J-curve Effect: Asymmetric Evidence from a Panel of Five Emerging Market Economies
- General Equilibrium Trade Policy Analysis among One Belt One Road Nations Using Structural Gravity Framework
- General Equilibrium Trade Policy Analysis among One Belt One Road Nations Using Structural Gravity Framework
- Prediction of Electricity Trade Partners Based on the Network Theory: The West Asia Community
- Prediction of Electricity Trade Partners Based on the Network Theory: The West Asia Community
- Trade Data Falsification and Informal Capita Movement: A Study of Bangladesh with Major Asian Trade Partners
- Trade Data Falsification and Informal Capita Movement: A Study of Bangladesh with Major Asian Trade Partners