Revised Guidelines for Wind Power Projects – Self Certification Regarding (08.01.2010)

In partial modifications to the Ministry''s Circular of even number dated 08.12.2009 regarding the above mentioned subject, the following modifications / changes have been incorporated:

(i) The Page no. 2, Para 2 (i) (a) -- shall now be read as under:

a. Qualifying criteria*

* Having own manufacturing facility in India and is in operation for past five years.


Has a track record of installation of atleast 100 MW wind power projects in India.

* Has obtained ISO-9001 certificate and has capacity to provide full fledged after sales service.

* Atleast one model has been tested and certified by C-WET or any recognized international agency.

*The decision of C-WET/ Revised List of Models and Manufacturers (RLMM) committee shall be final on the matter.

(ii) The Page no. 2, Para 2 (i) (b) -- shall now be read as under:

b. Number of machines allowed to be installed

The existing manufacturers shall be permitted to install...

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