No. 3-1, April 2016
- Book Review: James Steinberg and Michael E. O’Hanlon. 2014. Strategic Reassurance and Resolve: U.S.–China Relations in the Twenty-first Century
- Book Review: Leszek Buszynski and Christopher B. Roberts (Eds). 2015. The South China Sea Maritime Dispute: Political, Legal and Regional Perspectives
- Book Review: Surendra Kumar (Ed.). 2015. India and the World: Through the Eyes of Indian Diplomats
- From Islamophobia to Westophobia: The Long Road to Radical Islamism
- Mindanao: Nationalism, Jihadism and Frustrated Peace
- Taliban: The Rebels Who Aspire to be Rulers
- Terrorism in International Society: An Eclectic Perspective
- The Kashmir Conflict: Multiple Fault Lines