Governance of the Fifth Schedule Areas: Role of Governor
Author | Nayakara Veeresha |
Published date | 01 September 2017 |
Date | 01 September 2017 |
DOI | |
Indian Journal of Public
63(3) 444–455
© 2017 IIPA
SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/0019556117720614
1 PhD Fellow, Centre for Political Institutions, Governance and Development, Institute for Social and
Economic Change (ISEC), Nagarabhavi, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Corresponding author:
Nayakara Veeresha, PhD Fellow, Centre for Political Institutions, Governance and Development,
Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Road, Nagarabhavi, Bengaluru
560072, Karnataka, India.
Governance of the
Fifth Schedule Areas:
Role of Governor
Nayakara Veeresha1
The indigenous communities all over the world are experiencing various forms
of alienation. Among all, alienation of rights over land, forest and other natural
resources is the most serious one. Indigenous people of India are known as adi-
vasis meaning the ‘first inhabitants’ with official name of ‘Scheduled Tribes’. The
socio-economic and political alienation of Scheduled Tribes has manifested itself in
the form of insurrections. The issues concerning the political insurrection in cen-
tral and eastern India are multi-dimensional in nature. To illustrate, these issues
relate to land acquisition in Scheduled V Areas, rights over the natural resources,
agrarian transformation, governance conflict, socio-economic and political exclu-
sion of the disadvantaged sections of the society, needs of youth, poverty and the
role of political ideology.
One of the important aspects of governance which has not been dealt with
adequately in the literature is the role of governors and the president in ensuring
peace and good governance in Scheduled Areas. The main purpose of the article
is to explore the status of governance with particular reference to the role of
governor in establishing peace and good government in the Fifth Scheduled Areas.
Through discourse and document analysis of Annual Governors’ reports accessed
through Centre for Policy Research, it is found that the Office of Governor has
failed in fulfilling the constitutional responsibility of ensuring the peace and good
governance in Scheduled V Areas. It is high time for the governor’s office to effec-
tively participate in the nation-building process by enabling proper implementa-
tion of the progressive laws enacted for the well-being of Scheduled Tribes.
Scheduled Tribes, Fifth Schedule, governor, governance, insurrection
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