No. 63-3, September - August 2017
- A Chequered History of Governors’ Discretionary Powers under Article 163
- Autonomous District Councils and the Governor’s Role in the Northeast India
- Book Review: Debtoru Chatterjee, Presidential Discretion
- Book Review: Radhakrishan Sapru, Public Policy: A Contemporary Perspective
- Book Review: Ramesh K. Arora and C. K. Sardana (Eds), District Collectors—Recollections and Reflections
- Book Review: Sudhanshu Ranjan, Justice, Judocracy and Democracy in India: Boundaries and Breaches
- Context as Pretext: Presidential Discretion in India
- Decentralised Governance and Tribal Development in Scheduled Areas of Northeast India: A Case Study of the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council
- Dereliction of Duties or the Politics of ‘Political Quadrangle’? The Governor, Hill Areas Committee and Upsurge in the Hills of Manipur
- Discretionary Powers of the Governor of a State in India
- Discretionary Powers of the Governor: Constitutional Vision and Observed Realities
- Discretionary Powers of the President and Governors in India in Constitution and Practice
- Discretionary Powers of the President and Governors in India in Constitution and Practice: A Select Bibliography
- Document I: Some Articles of the Constitution of India Relating to Powers of the President of India and Governors of States in the Federal Context
- Erratum
- Governance of the Fifth Schedule Areas: Role of Governor
- Reconceptualising Gubernatorial ‘Discretionary’ Authority: An Indian Perspective
- Reimagining Governor’s Institution and Federalism
- The President of India: The Constitutional Head with Discretionary Powers