Agreement for Sale of Goods (F.O.B basis)

Updated atMarch 2010

THIS AGREEMENT is made at_________on this_________day of_________ between A B & Co. Ltd., a company registered under the (Indian) Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at... hereinafter referred to as 'the Seller' of the One Part and M/s... a foreign company registered under the Companies Act_____and having Its registered office at_________ and its local agents' office at __________in India, hereinafter referred to as 'the Buyer' of the Other Part.

  1. The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy_____bales of Indian Cotton (_________variety) at the price of _________dollars per ton. The price will be on F.O.B. basis - June-July shipment.

  2. The Buyer will nominate a ship within four weeks from the date hereof and shall give intimation of the expected date of her arrival at the port of dispatch and the Seller will ship the said goods in the nominated ship when she arrives at the port of ____________

  3. The goods will be transported by the Seller up to the wharf where the ship will be anchored, at its own costs.

  4. When the goods are delivered to the master of the ship against the mate's receipt and the Bill of Lading is issued by the master, or owner of the ship, the delivery by the Seller to the Buyer will be complete and thereafter...

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