Agreement for Sale of Goods (C.I.F. Basis)

Updated atMarch 2010

THIS AGREEMENT is made at... this... day of... between M/s. A B & Co. Ltd., a company registered under the (English) Companies Act and having Its registered Office at __________ London. Hereinafter referred as the 'Seller' of the one part and M/s. X Y & Co. Ltd., a Company registered under the (Indian) Companies Act, 1956. and having its registered office at __________hereinafter referred to as 'the Buyer' of the OTHER PART;

  1. The Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer and the Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller, synthetic rubber ___________tons, of_______quanlity at the price _________ sterling per ton (hereinafter referred to as the said 'goods') C.I.F. for December - January shipment.

  2. The Seller- will engage space in a ship at the port of shipment and Intimate the name of the ship and her expected date of arrival in any port in India.

  3. The Seller will enter into a contract of afreighment with the owner of the ship for transporting and delivery of the said goods at the port of_______ in India. The Buyer shall also obtain a Policy of Insurance for the value of the said goods upon the current terms and make out an invoice.

  4. The Buyer shall open a Letter of Credit through its Bankers for the agreed price of the...

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