No. 62-1, January 2016
- A Gist of Major Recommendations of Third State Finance Commissions and Their Implementation Status
- Book Reviews
- Book Reviews
- Determinants of the Success of Public Service Delivery Under Direct Benefit Transfer: The Case of Chandigarh
- Editorial
- Enabling Social Rights Through Proactive Public Policy: An Academic Auditing of Education and Health Sectors in India
- Enhancing Transparency, Accountability and Effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institutions of India Through Communication Networks
- Gender Holocaust: The Issue of Female Feticide
- In Conversation with Dr. Ajit Mozoomdar New Delhi, 2012-2013 (Interview conducted in parts)
- Preparing the PPP Phoenix to Fly: Redesigning Frameworks to Match Emerging Vistas
- State Subsidies By Uttar Pradesh Government: Magnitude, Trends and Implications
- Style Sheet
- The Discipline of Public Administration Today: New Perspectives
- The Institutional Identity of India's Niti Aayog