The Challenges of Education Development of Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam and Handling Solutions

Published date01 July 2023
AuthorĐoan Trung Kiên
Date01 July 2023
The Challenges of Education
Development of Ethnic
Minorities in Vietnam
and Handling Solutions
Đoan Trung Kiên1
Education for ethnic minorities (EM) in Vietnam faces different challenges. In each stage of the country’s
development, it stands before the difficulties and problems rooted in various specific socio-economic
and cultural factors. In the present, even though the government has put many efforts to develop EMs,
the gap between the ethnic majority and EMs is still not narrowed, even unchanged in some aspects.
Being one of the decisive factors for the development of EMs, education should be put in the centre
of the efforts of the Vietnam government. This article analyses some challenges to the education
development of EMs. The concept covering the contents of this article is that in any country, especially
in Vietnam as a developing country, the government cannot narrow the development gap between
ethnic majority Kinh on the one hand and EMs on the other hand if the latter’s right to education is not
appropriately provided and duly implemented.
The pledge ‘to leave no one behind’ is stated in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations for Sustainable
Development.2 This statement is reinstated in different ofcial policies of the Vietnam government
regarding socio-economic development. Clearly, the Vietnam government during the 74-year period of
its existence always has to pursue the goal to make all ethnic groups live in the country with prosperity
and equality on the basis of national unity. The government has adopted different laws and regulations
aiming at narrowing the development gap between ethnic majority and minorities. It needs to admit that
the Vietnam government has achieved a lot of success in hungry elimination and poverty reduction,
1 Hanoi Law University, Dong Da, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
2 United Nations and Committee for Development Policy, Report on the Twenty-first Session. E/2018/33. March 15, 2019.
Asian Journal of Legal Education
10(2) 190–203, 2023
© 2023 The West Bengal National
University of Juridical Sciences
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/23220058231178727
Corresponding author:
Đoan Trung Kiên, Rector of Hanoi Law University, 87 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.

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