India’s Inclusive Policy Initiatives for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals: Selected Ruminations on SDG-16—The Way Forward

Author Nahida Begum N.
Published date01 December 2022
Date01 December 2022
India’s Inclusive
Policy Initiatives for
the Implementation
of Sustainable
Development Goals:
Selected Ruminations
on SDG-16—The
Way Forward
Nahida Begum N.1
The members of the United Nations are gearing up to realise the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The 17 goals practically seem a little com-
plicated and complex to realise, yet the member-states are on the go towards
its realisation. This article focuses on the SDGs. It focuses on the India’s policy
initiative towards SDG 16 that stands for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. A
brief summary on India SDG Index is also provided in the article, which provides
information pertaining to the performance of the states towards the accom-
plishment of the goals. It highlights the various schemes, programmes and pro-
jects launched by the Government of India for the achievement of SDG-16. The
schemes comprise of Poshan Abhiyaan, Gram Nyayalayas, Digital India, Aadhaar,
and so on.
United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals, SDG Index, India’s policy
initiatives, Digital India
Indian Journal of Public
68(4) 556–571, 2022
© 2022 IIPA
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/00195561221108560
1 Maharani Women’s Arts, Commerce and Management College, Bangalore Central University,
Karnataka, India.
Corresponding author:
Nahida Begum N., Maharani Women’s Arts, Commerce and Management College, Bangalore Central
University, Karnataka 560001, India.
Begum N. 557
The countries of the world on 25 September 2015 pledged to achieve the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. These emerged from the Millennium
Development Goals 2000. A total of 193 countries are signatories to SDGs. The
17 SDGs are listed, which the members of the United Nations should endeavour to
accomplish. These goals were set by the member-nations, considering the prevail-
ing socio-economic and political conditions around the globe. Most of the countries
of the world are gearing up to achieve at least to the minimum. The goals have been
evolved through far-reaching and extensive intercession and have encouraged and
motivated the nations across the globe to strive and make available to its citizens all
possible amenities required to lead a normal and a satisfied life. These goals in
general aim at the advancement of the society at large.
This article focuses on the SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Peace
is the cornerstone for the development of democracies in the world. The two World
Wars have shown the world that war and conflict would only cause damage and
destruction, and nothing could be achieved under war-like conditions. Rather,
the countries would face grave consequences causing futile, industriousness and
uphill struggle of their citizens over the years in creating and building the economy.
Without peace, it is highly unmanageable and unfeasible even for a nation with its
vast resources and manpower to accomplish its desired goals. As far as justice is
concerned, millions are deprived of justice at all levels. The grave atrocities and
injustices are being committed especially on vulnerable sections of the society like
women and children. Despite several years of struggle by the activists to bring
justice to the vulnerable, they continue to face the hardship at the hands of the
perpetrators. Peace and justice go together. The prevalence of peace would to some
extent guarantee justice to the deprived and the voiceless. This goal aims at estab-
lishing non-violent and comprehensive social order for sustainable development,
deliver justice to all and develop operational, liable and comprehensive institutions
in all spheres.
The United Nations was born with the purpose of eschewing war and to end
human rights violations. Skirmishes, apprehensiveness and fragile establishments
are the order of the day, and all these pose a substantial menace to sustainable devel-
opment. The number of people escaping from war and intimidation is on the rise.
The people involved in the protection of human rights, the correspondents, whistle-
blowers and others are killed. The savagery and cruelty committed against the chil-
dren is also on the rise. It is estimated that more than 1 billion children become the
victims of exploitation and the expenses amounts to $7 trillion annually. SDG 16
is linked to Goals 1, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 11. As far as this goal is concerned, the UN has
envisioned to achieve a set of objectives.
In recent times, the UN is striving to thwart the skirmishes and crises that occur
among the countries of the world. Over 100,000 ‘Blue Helmets’ are engaged in pro-
moting amity over four continents. The UN delivers respite and succour to several
millions in times of crisis, and this is made possible through more than 80 accords
and avowals approved by the member nations (United Nations Foundations, n.d.).
As far as the strong institutions are concerned, establishment of the same
contributes towards development and nation-building. The strong institutional

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