No. 4-2, July 2017
- Book Review: Legislative Drafting: Step-by-Step. By Arthur J. Rynearson
- Book Review: The Internationalization of Legal Education: The Future Practise of Law. Edited by William van Caenegem & Mary Hiscock
- Book Review: Towards Legal Literacy: An Introduction to Law in India. Edited by Kamala Sankaran & Ujjwal Kumar Singh
- Educational Disadvantages and Indigenous Law Students: Barriers and Potential Solutions
- Establishment of Lawyers’ Academy to Promote Legal Education— The Need of the Day
- Law Clinics and Advocacy Within the University Community: Risks and Benefits
- Reforming Legal Education through Clinical Pedagogy: Legal Education in Palestine
- Teaching Professional Skills and Values in India: Challenges and Roadmap for Future
- The Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy, WB NUJS, Kolkata, India: An Overview
- The Gordian Knot: Regulatory Relationship and Legal Education