Foley Hoag LLP - Trademark, Copyright & Unfair Competition (JD Supra India)
The Madrid Protocol: Passage to India Now Open
We previously reported that India was scheduled to become the 90th member of the Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Trademarks (the “Protocol”). We noted that this was a gratifying prospect, since India’s National Trademark Office is notoriously overburdened and slow-moving. Under the Protocol, a country is typically required to examine a registration request within 12-
The Madrid Protocol: A Passage to Indian Trademark Registration
The Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Trademarks (the “Protocol”) provides a simple, unified, cost-effective means for citizens of member countries (including the United States) to register their marks in other member countries. By using the Protocol, trademark owners can obtain a single “International Registration” designating some or all of the member countries,...