The Indian Penal Code, 1860

Coming into Force06 October 1860
Date06 October 1860
Record Number186045
Enactment Date06 October 1860
Act Number45
CourtMinistry of Home Affairs
1. Title and e xtent o f oper ation o f the Code.
2. Puni shment of offe nces co mmitte d with in Indi a.
3. Punishment of offences committed beyond, but which by law may be tried within, India.
4. Extension of Code to extra-territorial offences.
5. Certain laws not to be affected by this Act.
6. Defin itions in the Code to be u ndersto od sub ject to excep tions.
7. Sens e of ex pressio n once explai ned.
8. Gender.
9. Number.
10. “Man”. “Wo man” .
11. “Person”.
12. “Publi c”.
13. [Omitted. ].
14. “Ser vant o f Gove rnment ”.
15. [Rep ealed.].
16. [Rep ealed.].
17. “Gov ern men t” .
18. “India ”.
19. “Judg e”.
20. “Cou rt of J ustice” .
21. “Pub lic se rvant” .
22. “Mov eable proper ty”.
23. “Wrongful gain”.
“Wrongful loss”.
Gaining wrongfully/ Losing wrongfully.
24. “Dish one stly ”.
25. “Fra udu lent ly” .
26. “Rea son to beli eve”.
27. Prop erty i n pos sessio n of wife, clerk or ser vant.
28. Counterfei t”.
29. “Document”.
29A. Electronic record.
30. “Valuable security”.
31. “A will” .
32. Words referring to acts includ e illegal omissions.
33. “Act”.
34. Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention.
35. When such an act is criminal by reason of its being done with a criminal knowledge or intention.
36. Effect caused partly by act and partly by omission.
37. Co-operation by doing one of several acts constituting an offence.
38. Persons concerned in criminal act may be guilty of different offences.
39. “Volu ntar ily”.
40. “Offe nce” .
41. “Speci al law”.
42. “Loc al law” .
43. “Illegal”.
“Legally bound to do”.
44. “Injury ”.
45. “Li fe” .
46. “Death” .
47. “An imal ”.
48. “Ves sel”.
49. “Year”.
50. “Sectio n”.
51. “Oath” .
52. “Good faith
52A. “Harbour
53. Punishments.
53A. Construc tion of reference to tran sportation.
54. Commutation of sentence of death.
55. Commutation of sentence of imprisonment for life.
55A. Definition of "appropriate Government".
56. [Repealed.].
57. Frac tions o f terms of punis hment.
58. [Repealed.].
59. [Repealed.].
60. Sen tence m ay be (in cer tain ca ses of impris onment ) wholl y or pa rtly r igorous of sim ple.
61. [Repealed.].
62. [Repealed.].
63. Amoun t of fine.
64. Sen tence o f impr isonmen t for non-pa yment o f fine.
65. Lim it to impris onment for non-p ayment of fi ne, wh en imp rison ment a nd fin e awa rdable .
66. Desc riptio n of i mprison ment fo r non -paymen t of fi ne.
67. Impr isonme nt for non-p ayment of fine , when offenc e puni shable with f ine onl y.
68. Impr isonme nt to termina te on p ayment of fin e.
69. Ter minatio n of i mprison ment o n paymen t of p roport ional p art of fine.
70. Fine leviable within six years, of during imprisonment. Death not to discharge property from liability.
71. Limit of pu nishmen t of o ffence made up of s everal offenc es.
72. Pun ishm ent of p erson gui lty of o ne o f se vera l off ence s, t he j udgm ent stati ng t hat is d oubt ful o f wh ich.
73. Solit ary con finement.
74. Limit of soli tary con finemen t.
75. Enh anc ed pun ish ment fo r c ert ain off enc es unde r C hap ter XII or Ch apt er X VII af te r pr evi ous
co nvi ctio n.
76. Act done by a p erson bound , or b y mist ake o f fact belie ving h imsel f boun d, by law.
77. Act of Judg e when a cting ju diciall y.
78. Act done p ursuan t to th e judgm ent or order of Cou rt.
79. Act done b y a per son ju stifie d, or by mist ake of fact b elievin g himse lf jus tified, by la w.
80. Acci dent in doing a lawful act.
81. Act likely to cau se har m, but done without crimin al int ent, an d to pr event other h arm.
82. Act of a ch ild unde r seven years o f age.
83. Act of a c hild ab ove s even an d under twelve of im mature underst anding .
84. Act of a pe rson of unsound mind.
85. Act of a p erson incapab le of j udgment by re ason o f intox ication cause d again st his will.
86. Offe nce re quirin g a par ticula r inten t or kn owledg e commi tted b y one w ho is i ntoxic ated .
87. Act not in tended and no t known to be likel y to ca use dea th or grievou s hurt, done by cons ent.
88. Act not in tended to cau se deat h, don e by co nsent in good faith for pe rson's benefi t.
89. Act don e in good fait h for ben efit of c hild or i nsane per son, by or by con sent of gu ardi an.
Pro viso s.
90. Con sent known to be gi ven under fear or misco ncep tion.
Con sent of i nsane pers on.
Con sent of c hild.
91. Excl usio n of acts whic h are off ences ind epend entl y of harm caus ed.
92. Act done in good faith for benefit of a person without consent.
Pro viso s.
93. Com muni cati on ma de i n go od f aith .
94. Act to w hich a pe rson is co mpel led by th reats .
95. Act cau sing sli ght h arm.
Of the R ight of P riva te De fense
96. Thin gs d one i n pr ivate def ence.
97. Righ t of priva te de fence of t he bo dy an d of prope rty.
98. Righ t of priva te de fenc e agai nst t he ac t of a per son o f uns ound mind. etc.
99. Acts against which there is no right of private defence.
Extent to which the right may be exercised.
100. When t he ri ght o f pri vate defen ce of the b ody e xtend s to causi ng de ath.
101. When su ch ri ght ex tends to ca using any h arm ot her th an de ath.
102. Commen cemen t and cont inuan ce of the right of pr ivat e defe nce o f the body .
103. When t he ri ght o f pri vate defen ce of prop erty e xtend s to causi ng de ath.
104. When su ch ri ght ex tends to ca using any ha rm oth er th an dea th.
105. Comme nceme nt a nd co ntin uance of t he r ight of p rivat e de fence of p rope rty.
106. Right of pr ivate defe nce a gains t dea dly a ssaul t when ther e is risk of ha rm to inno cent perso n.
107. Abetm ent o f a t hing .
108. Abett or .
10 8A. Abet ment in Ind ian of o ffen ces outs ide In dia.
109. Puni shme nt of a ab etme nt if t he act abe tted is com mit ted in cons equ ence an d wh en n o e xpr ess
pro vis ion is made fo r it s p unis hme nt.
110. Punish ment o f abet ment i f per son ab etted does a ct wit h dif ferent inten tion from t hat of abett or.
111. Liabili ty of abett or whe n one act a bette d and differ ent ac t don e.
112. Abetto r whe n lia ble t o cum ulati ve pu nishm ent fo r act abet ted a nd fo r act done .
113. Liabili ty of a bettor for an effect cause d by th e act abetted differ ent fr om that inten ded by the ab ettor.
114. Abetto r pr esent whe n of fence is commi tted .
115. Abetment of offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life.if offence not committed.
if act causing harm be done in consequence.
116. Abetment of offence punishable with imprisonment.if offence be not committed.
if abettor or person abetted be a public servant whose duty it is to prevent offence.
117. Abetting commission of offence by the public or by more than ten persons.
118. Concealing design to commit offence punishable with de ath or imprisonment for life.
If offence be committed;
if offence be not committed.
119. Public servant concealin g design to commit offence which it is his duty to prevent.
if offence be committed;
if offence be punishable with death, etc.
if offence be not committed.
120. Concealing design to commit offence punishable wit h imprisonment.
if offence be committed;
if offence be not committed.

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