CIC/RM/A/2012/001041. Case: Shri Vijay Kumar Patel, Bilaspur Vs Guru Ghasi Das Vishvavidyalaya, Bilaspur. Central Information Commission

Case NumberCIC/RM/A/2012/001041
JudgesRajiv Mathur, Central Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information Act, 2005
Judgement DateJuly 01, 2013
CourtCentral Information Commission


Rajiv Mathur, Central Information Commissioner

  1. Vide RTI dt 3.9.12, appellant had sought a photocopy of Pharmaceutical Research - II (Paper II).

  2. PIO vide letter dt 26.9.12 informed the appellant that as per University guidelines, photocopies can be provided to only those students who have earlier applied for reevaluation.

  3. An appeal was filed on 28.9.12 quoting order of the Supreme Court.

  4. AA vide order dt 8.10.12, upheld the decision of the PIO.

  5. Submissions made by the...

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