Case No. CIC/SS/A/2012/003878. Case: Shri N.K Singh Vs Brahmaputra Basin Organization, Shillong. Central Information Commission

Case NumberCase No. CIC/SS/A/2012/003878
JudgesSushma Singh, Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information Act, 2005 - Sections 7(1), 20(1)
Judgement DateSeptember 05, 2013
CourtCentral Information Commission


Sushma Singh, Information Commissioner

Shri N.K Singh hereinafter called the Appellant has filed the present appeal dated 6.11.2012 before the commission against the respondent namely Brahmaputra and Barak Basin organization, Shillong. The Appellant was not present in the hearing and the CPIO Brahmaputra Basin Organization, Shillong (Shri P.M Scott) and Shri D.C Bhatt, Executive Engineer were present in the hearing conducted through video conferencing.

  1. The Appellant through the RTI application dated 2.7.2012 sought information regarding the names of all the employees who joined the area offices of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Central water Commission after the merger of Sone River commission, Patna with the Ministry of Water Resources. The appellant specifically asked 11 questions in his RTI application relating to the said matter.

  2. CPIO Brahmaputra & Barak Basin Organization, Shillong vide letter no: 1(15)/2010 B.B.O.O dated 2.08.2012 replied to all the 11 queries raised by the appellant in his RTI application.

  3. Aggrieved with the reply of CPIO, the appellant filed the first appeal dated 2.9.2012 before the FAA/Chief Engineer, (B&BBO) on a ground that the information had not been provided to him within the stipulated time as prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005. The FAA passed an order vide order no: 1(45)/2012BBB/Vol.11/3242 dated 28.8.2012 that "since the information sought by the applicant was disposed off by the CPIO, B&BBO, CWC, Shillong on 2.08.2012 i.e. within thirty days of the receipt of the request, as per prescribed time limit u/s 7(1) of the RTI Act, 2005, no action u/s 20(1) of RTI Act, 2005 is required."

  4. However, the Appellant has filed a second appeal before the Commission wherein appellant states that the information provided by the CPIO is wrong and misleading.

  5. During hearing before the Commission which was conducted through Video Conferencing, the CPIO, (B&BBO) submits that the day on which the RTI application received by him was...

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