OA No. 060/00508/2017. Case: Sh. Jagat Singh son of Late Sh. Kharak Singh Vs Union of India and Ors.. Central Administrative Tribunal

Case NumberOA No. 060/00508/2017
CounselFor Appellant: Mr. Amrik Singh Bhatia, Advocate
JudgesMr. Sanjeev Kaushik, Member (J)
IssueAdministrative Law
Judgement DateWednesday May 17, 2017
CourtCentral Administrative Tribunal


Mr. Sanjeev Kaushik, Member (J), (Chandigarh Bench)

  1. The applicant has impugned the letter dated 17.10.2016 (Annexure A-1) vide which the respondents have turned down the request of the applicant for enrolment as beneficiary of CGHS.

  2. Learned counsel for the applicant submitted that similar matter wherein similar order was challenged before this Tribunal denying the benefit to get the facility of CGHS, came up for consideration before this Court. After exchange of pleadings, it came on record that matter regarding medical facility under...

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