W.P.(MD) No. 2796 of 2014. Case: S. Deivendran and Ors. Vs The State of Tamil Nadu and Ors.. High Court of Madras (India)

Case NumberW.P.(MD) No. 2796 of 2014
CounselFor Appellant: M.P. Senthil, Adv. and For Respondents: M. Alaguthevan, Addl. Govt. Pleader
JudgesV. Parthiban, J.
IssueConstitution of India - Article 226
Judgement DateFriday March 17, 2017
CourtHigh Court of Madras (India)


V. Parthiban, J.

  1. The Petitioner has approached this Court seeking for issuance of a Writ of Mandamus directing the respondents 1 to 5 to pay a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs with interest at 9% from 14.10.2012 till the date of payment/realization, towards compensation for the death of the Petitioners' son due to Electrocution.

  2. Heard the learned counsel appearing on either side and perused the materials placed before this Court.

  3. The Petitioners only son Saravanamukar was born to them in the year 1993. On 14.10.1992, their son had touched a live wire due to poor maintenance, while taking the two wheeler for side back home came in contact with the snapped wire and electrocuted. According to the Petitioner, due to poor maintenance, the live wire had fallen upon him and which resulted in fatal accident and their only son died on the said date itself. He being the only son and the bread-winner of the family, the family suffered untold mental agony and hardship. Loosing their only son at such an young age, when he had a bright future, never to be compensated in terms of money. Nevertheless due to the negligent act of the Electricity Board officials, the petitioners son had died in the circumstances...

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