File Nos. CIC/VS/C/2013/000584/SH and 000585/SH. Case: Rajeev Kumar Singh Vs Central Public Information Officer. Central Information Commission

Case NumberFile Nos. CIC/VS/C/2013/000584/SH and 000585/SH
JudgesSharat Sabharwal, Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information Act
Judgement DateJune 27, 2014
CourtCentral Information Commission


Sharat Sabharwal, Information Commissioner

File No. CIC/VS/C/2013/000584/SH

1. This matter pertains to an RTI application dated 25.3.2013 filed by the Complainant, seeking information on three points. Not satisfied with the response received from the Respondents, he lodged a complaint with the Commission on 9.10.2013.

File No. CIC/VS/C/2013/000585/SH

2. This matter pertains to an RTI application dated 31.5.2013 filed by the Complainant, seeking information on three points regarding his applications dated 5.3.2013 and 23.4.2013. The CPIO responded on 23.6.2013 and stated that the bank had issued no instructions on the above mentioned communications from the Complainant. Not satisfied with the reply of the CPIO, the Complainant filed an appeal to the First Appellate Authority on 23.7.2013. In his order dated 30.7.2013, the FAA upheld the CPIO's reply. The Complainant lodged a complaint with the Commission on 9.10.2013.

3. With reference to his RTI application dated 31.5.2013, the Complainant submitted that the Respondents had not provided the information sought by him. However, we note that the Respondents had clearly stated that no instructions were issued by the bank on the communications received from the Complainant. In case the Complainant has any grievance with the fact that no instructions were issued on his communications, he is at liberty to take up the matter...

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