Original Applications N0. 060/00835/2016. Case: P.K. Sarin Vs Union of India and Ors.. Central Administrative Tribunal

Case NumberOriginal Applications N0. 060/00835/2016
CounselFor Respondents: Mr. Sanjay Goyal, Adv.
JudgesMr. M.S. Sullar, Member (J) and Mr. Shekhar Agarwal, Member(A)
IssueAdministrative Law
Judgement DateTuesday May 23, 2017
CourtCentral Administrative Tribunal


Mr. Shekhar Agarwal, Member (A), (Chandigarh Bench)

  1. The applicant joined as Junior Engineer on 02.08.1976 and was promoted as Assistant Engineer in the year 1984. He was allowed 2nd Assured Career Progression (ACP) in the scale of Rs. 10,000-325-15,200/- w.e.f. 1.7.2006. According to him, his 3rd MACP was due w.e.f. 1.9.2008. Since, the same was not granted to him, he filed Original Application No. 060/00144/2015 before this Tribunal. This O.A. was disposed of by the Tribunal on 24.5.2016 with a direction to the respondents that grant of 3rd MACP benefit to the applicant may be considered by them on yearly basis commencing from the year 2010 and thereafter. In compliance thereof, the respondents have considered his case, but have found him to be unfit. Consequently, he has approached this Tribunal by filing this Original Application and seeking the following reliefs:

    -- (A) To quash assessment of the Screening Committee dated 27.4.2016 declaring applicant unfit for grant of 3rd MACP in the grades pay of 7600/- w.e.f. 1.4.2013 Annexure A-1.

    (B) Direct the respondents to grant the 3rd MACP in the grade pay of 7600/- w.e.f. 1.4.2013.

    (C) To grant the interest on the arrears of pay...

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