Miscellaneous Petition No. 212/2012. Case: North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd., New Delhi Vs Meghalaya Energy Corporation Ltd., Shillong. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Case NumberMiscellaneous Petition No. 212/2012
JudgesDr. Pramod Deo, Chairperson, Shri S. Jayaraman, Member and Shri V.S. Verma, Member
IssueElectricity Law
Judgement DateThursday October 04, 2012
CourtCentral Electricity Regulatory Commission


(New Delhi)

  1. The petitioner, North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd. (NEEPCO),

    has filed this application praying for the following reliefs:

    (i) Direct the respondent to immediately clear the outstanding dues

    amounting to ` 197.82

    crore and to make payments regularly against monthly energy bills raised by the

    petitioner from time to time; and

    (ii) Issue any such directions or orders as may be considered appropriate to

    ensure that the respondent has sufficient disincentive in not making payment on

    due dates.

    The petitioner has been supplying power from its generating stations and has

    been raising bills and collecting Capacity charges and Energy charges on

    monthly basis for the electricity supplied, in terms of Regulation 32 of the

    Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff)

    Regulations, 2009.

  2. The petitioner has submitted that it has been supplying power to the

    respondent from its generating stations and the respondent has with effect from

    April, 2012 stopped payment of its bills, which include both arrear bills

    raised with effect from April, 2009, based on the tariff orders passed by this

    Commission pertaining to the tariff period 2009-14 and the current monthly

    bills (including late payment surcharge and arrear bills calculated till

    30.6.2012). The petitioner has also submitted that the total outstanding dues

    from the respondent is `

    197.82 crore as on 31.8.2012. It has further submitted that despite regular

    follow up and concerted efforts by the petitioner including meetings convened

    by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, wherein the respondent agreed to

    make payments, the outstanding dues have not been liquidated by the respondent.

    Copies of the record of the meetings have been collectively enclosed as

    Annexure-I to this petition.

  3. The petitioner has submitted that due to the non-payment of outstanding

    dues, notice to the respondent for regulation of power supply to the extent of

    15% of the allocated share of the respondent from the generating stations of

    the petitioner was issued to the respondent with effect from 9.1.2012. It has

    also submitted that subsequently, based on the written assurance by the

    respondent vide its letter dated 30.4.2012 for payment of ` 8.00 crore per month for

    clearance of outstanding dues and for withdrawal of the power regulation

    imposed by the petitioner, the regulation of power supply as above was

    withdrawn by the petitioner with effect from...

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