C.D. Case No. 91 Of 2001. Case: NICE National Institute of Computer Education Pvt.Limited through its Regional Co-Ordinator Sri Upagupt Mohanty Vs 1. Branch Manager, Dena Bank, Nayasarak, 2. Chairman & Managing Director, Dena Bank,. Orissa State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission

Case NumberC.D. Case No. 91 Of 2001
CounselFor the Appellant: Mr M.Agarwal, Authorized Agent. and For the Respondent: M/s D.N.Mishra & Associates.
JudgesShri A.K.Samantaray, President, And Shrimati Smarita Mohanty, Member
IssueConsumer Law
Judgement DateThursday September 16, 2010
CourtOrissa State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission


Smt.Smarita Mohanty, Member.

This complaint is filed by the complainant against the O.Ps. -- Bank alleging deficiency in service.

Complainant being a registered company under Companies Act of 1956 having its office at Nayasarak, Cuttack regularly transacts with the O.Ps. It is alleged that a cheque bearing no. 9823378 dt. 13.10.1999 of Rs. 10,000/- drawn on O.P. Bank was issued to M/s. Tibrewal Chand & Co., the auditors of the company. The said cheque was dishonoured by O.P. No.1 due to insufficient fund. Thereafter complainant complained before O.P. No.1 vide letter dated 14.10.1999 with regard to dishonour of the said cheque. Again on 16.10.1999 complainant wrote another letter to O.P.No.1 & 2 stating that balance in the company''s account was...

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