Listing Agreement For Equity
Agreement made this ________________________________day of ______________________20 ___________By a Company duly formed and registered under the Indian Companies Act and having its Registered Office in (hereinafter called "the Company") WITH Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (hereinafter called "the Exchange)
WHEREAS the Company has filed with the Exchange an application for listing its securities more particularly described in Schedule I annexed hereto and made a part hereof
AND WHEREAS it is a requirement of the Exchange that there must be filed with the application an agreement in terms hereinafter appearing to qualify for the admission and continuance of the said securities upon the list of the Exchange
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the Exchange listing the said securities the Company hereby covenants and agrees with the Exchange as follows:
The Company agrees --
(a) that Letters of Allotment will be issued simultaneously and that in the event of its being impossible to issue Letters of Regret at the same time a notice to that effect will be inserted in the press so that it will appear on the morning after the Letters of Allotment have been posted;
(b) that Letters of Right will be issued simultaneously;
(c) that Letters of Allotment, Acceptance or Right will be serially numbered, printed on good quality paper and examined and signed by a responsible officer of the Company and that whenever possible they will contain the distinctive numbers of the securities to which they relate;
(d) that Letters of Allotment and renounceable Letters of Right will contain a provision for splitting and that when so required by the Exchange the form of renunciation will be printed on the back of or attached to the Letters of Allotment and Letters of Right;
(e) that Letters of Allotment and Letters of Rights will state how the next payment of interest or dividend on the securities will be calculated.
The Company will issue, when so required, receipts for all the securities deposited with it whether for registration, sub-division, consolidation, renewal, exchange or for other purposes.
The Company agrees --
(a) to have on hand at all times a sufficient supply of certificates to meet the demands for transfer, sub-division, consolidation and renewal;
(b) to issue certificates or Pucca Receipts within one month of the date of the expiration of any Right to Renunciation;
(c) to issue certificates within one month of the date of lodgment for transfer, subdivision, consolidation, renewal, exchange or endorsement of calls/allotment monies or to issue within fifteen days of such lodgment for transfer Pucca Transfer Receipts in denominations corresponding to the market units of trading autographically signed by a responsible official of the Company and bearing an endorsement that the transfer has been duly approved by the Directors or that no such approval is necessary;
(d) to issue without charge Balance Certificates, within one month, if so required;
(e) to issue new certificates in replacement of those which are lost within six weeks of notification of loss and receipt of proper indemnity.
The Company agrees - - -
(a) to issue, unless the Exchange otherwise agrees and the parties concerned desire, Allotment Letters, Share Certificates, Call Notices and other relevant documents in market units of trading and in the case of share certificates issued pursuant to conversion of debentures or shares allotted in respect of tradeable warrants or exercise of rights or bonus issues or amalgamations which are not in market units of trading, in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 shares;
(b) to split certificates, Letters of Allotment, Letters of Right, and Split, Consolidation, Renewal and Pucca Transfer Receipts of large denominations into smaller units;
(c) to consolidate certificates of small denominations into denominations corresponding to the market units of trading;
(d) to issue within one week Split, Consolidation and Renewal Receipts duly signed by an official of the Company and in denominations corresponding to the market units of trading, particularly when so required by the Exchange;
(e) to exchange ''Rights'' or ''Entitled'' shares into Coupons or Fractional Certificates when so required by the Exchange;
(f) to issue call notices and splits and duplicates thereof in a standard form acceptable to the Exchange, to forward a supply of the same promptly to the Exchange for meeting requests for blank split and duplicate call notices, to make arrangements for accepting call moneys at all centres where there are recognised stock exchanges in India and not to require any discharge on call receipts;
(g) to accept the discharge of the members of the Exchange on Split, Consolidation and Renewal Receipts as good and sufficient without insisting on the discharge of the registered holders.
When documents are lodged for sub-division, consolidation or renewal through the Clearing House of the Exchange, the Company agrees - - -
(a) that it will accept the discharge of an official of the Stock Exchange Clearing House on the Company''s Split, Consolidation and Renewal Receipts as good and sufficient without insisting on the discharge of the registered holders;
(b) that when the Company is unable to issue certificates or Split, Consolidation or Renewal Receipts immediately on lodgment, it will verify whether the discharge of the registered holders on the documents lodged for sub-division, consolidation or renewal and their signature on the relative transfers are in order.
7[5A. For shares issued pursuant to the public issues or any other issue which remain unclaimed and are lying in the escrow account, the issuer agrees to comply with the following procedure:
The registrar to the issue shall send at least three reminders at the address given in the application form as well as captured in depository''s database asking for the correct particulars. If no response is received, the unclaimed shares shall be credited to a demat suspense account with one of the Depository Participants, opened by the issuer for this purpose.
(b) Any corporate benefits in terms of securities accruing on such shares viz. bonus shares, split etc., shall also be credited to such demat suspense account.
(c) The issuer shall maintain details of shareholding of each individual allottee whose shares are credited to such suspense account.
(d) As and when the allottee approaches the issuer, the issuer shall credit the shares lying in the suspense account to the demat account of the allottee to the extent of the allottee''s entitlement after proper verification of the identity of the allottee.
(e) The suspense account shall be held by the issuer purely on behalf of the allottees who are entitled for the shares and the shares held in such suspense account shall not be transferred in any manner whatsoever except for the purpose of allotting the shares to the allottee as and when he/she approaches the issuer.
(f) The voting rights on such shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner claims the shares.
(g) The issuer shall disclose the following details in its Annual Report, as long as there are shares in the suspense account:
(i) Aggregate number of shareholders and the outstanding shares in the suspense account lying at the beginning of the year;
(ii) Number of shareholders who approached issuer for transfer of shares from suspense account during the year;
(iii) Number of shareholders to whom shares were transferred from suspense account during the year;
(iv) aggregate number of shareholders and the outstanding shares in the suspense account lying at the end of the year;
(v) that the voting rights on these shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owner of such shares claims the shares
The Company will, if so required by the Exchange, certify transfers against Letters of Allotment, Certificates and Balance Receipts and in that event the Company will promptly make on transfers an endorsement to the following effect:
"Name of Company ______________________________________________________
Certificate / Allotment Letter No. __________ for the within - mentioned ___________
shares is deposited in the Company''s Office against this transfer
No. ______________________
Signature(s) of Official(s) ____________________________
Date ________________________ "
On production of the necessary documents by shareholders or by members of the Exchange, the Company will make on transfers an endorsement to the effect that the Power of Attorney or Probate or Letters of Administration or Death Certificate or Certificate of the Controller of Estate Duty or similar other document has been duly exhibited to and registered by the Company.
The Company agrees that it will not make any charge - - -
(a) for registration of transfers of its shares and debentures;
(b) for sub-division and consolidation of share and debenture certificates and for sub-division of Letters of Allotment and Split, Consolidation, Renewal and Pucca Transfer Receipts into denominations corresponding to the market unit of trading;
(c) for sub-division of renounceable Letters of Right;
(d) for issue of new certificates in replacement of those which are old, decrepit or worn out, or where the cages on the reverse of recording transfers have been fully utilised;
(e) for registration of any Power of Attorney, Probate, Letters of Administration or similar other documents.
The Company agrees that it will not charge any fees exceeding those which may be agreed upon with the Exchange - - -
(a) for issue of new certificates in replacement of those that are torn, defaced, lost or destroyed;
(b) for sub-division and consolidation of share and debenture certificates and for sub-division of Letters of Allotment and Split, Consolidation, Renewal and Pucca Transfer Receipts into denominations other than those fixed for the market units of trading.
The Company will promptly verify the signatures of...
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