Petition No. 223/2010 (Suo-motu). Case: In Re: Department of Power, Govt. of Nagaland Vs. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

Case NumberPetition No. 223/2010 (Suo-motu)
JudgesPramod Deo, Chairperson, S. Jayaraman, V.S. Verma and M. Deena Dayalan, Members
IssueElectricity Law
Judgement DateOctober 04, 2010
CourtCentral Electricity Regulatory Commission


1. Regulation 10 of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Unscheduled interchange charges and related matters) Regulations, 2009 (UI Regulations) provides for the schedule of payment of unscheduled interchange charges and payment security for settlement of UI dues as under:

10. Schedule of payment of Unscheduled Interchange Charges and Payment Security

(1) The payment of UI charges shall have a high priority and the concerned constituent shall pay the indicated amounts within 10 (ten) days of the issue of statement of Unscheduled Interchange charge including Additional Unscheduled Interchange charges by the Secretariat o the respective...

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