Book review: Zoya Hasan, Agitation to Legislation: Negotiating Equity and Justice in India
Author | Kamal Nayan Choubey |
DOI | 10.1177/2321023019838878 |
Published date | 01 June 2019 |
Date | 01 June 2019 |
Two decades of counter-insurgency have resulted in the hardening of ethnic divisions among the
various communities in the area. Hindi- and Nepali-speaking communities were considered to be less
threatening for Indian army personnel, who routinely used violence and humiliation to subjugate the
Assamese-speaking population of the area during Operation Bajrang (1990), Operation Rhino (1991),
and following the violence against Hindi-speaking people in 2003–2004. Khanikar falls short of explain-
ing why the relationship of antagonism between the army and Assamese villagers of Lakhipathar has
turned to one of accommodation, since army personnel are now welcomed as chief guests to cultural and
athletic events in the area (pp. 216–225). The author opines that this could be a continuation of accept-
ance of authority and legitimacy (of both state and non-state power) in the area, an argument that needs
more evidence than what has been offered.
Where the book falters slightly is in its assessment of political possibilities that arise from impunity
that is offered to army personnel under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958. It is not quite clear
if the author is willing to extend the political implications of the culture of impunity to policing in Delhi.
If so, it would be fascinating to know whether it is possible to talk about alternative ideas and imagina-
tions of the state by acceptable and possible political communities, as envisaged early on by the author.
These minor shortcomings aside, Khanikar’s book is a welcome addition to the growing work on ethno-
graphic inquiries into postcolonial state building and governance through the use of extra-economic
coercion in India.
Sanjay (Xonzoi) Barbora
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Guwahati Campus, Assam
Zoya Hasan, Agitation to Legislation: Negotiating Equity and Justice in India. New Delhi: Oxford University
Press. 2018. 178 pages. `675.
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