Forms and Procedures
- ANF4G - DEPB application
- Reporting Format for the Issue and Operations of ATM-Cum-Debit Cards
- Form III : Quarterly Report on Frauds outstanding
- Quarterly Statement on Assets acquired, securitized and reconstructed
- Quarterly Statement on Assets acquired, securitized and reconstructed â Bank/FI wise
- FORM NO: 15CB Certificate of an accountant
- FORM NO: 24C TDS and TCS compliance statement
- FORM NO: 15CA Information to be furnished under sub-section (6) of Section 195 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 relating to remittance of payments to a non-resident or to a foreign company
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 3 For Individuals/HUFs being partners in firms and not carrying out business or profession under any proprietorship [A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 7 (Including Fringe Benefit Tax Return) For persons including companies required to furnish return under section 139(4A) or section 139(4B) or section 139(4C) or section 139(4D) [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 4 For Individuals & HUF's having income from a proprietory business or profession [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 6 (Including Fringe Benefit Tax Return) For Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11 [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 8 Return for Fringe Benefits [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - V ( Income Tax Return Verification Form) Where the data of the Return of Income/Fringe Benefits in Form ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4, ITR-5, ITR-6 & ITR-8 transmitted elextronically without digital signature [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 2 For Individuals and HUFs not having Income from Business or Profession [A.Y. 2009-10]
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 1 For Individuals having Income from Salary / Pension/ family pension & Interest [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- Acknowledgement for e-Return and non e-Return
- FORM NO: I.T.R - 5 (Including Fringe Benefit Tax Return) For firms, AOPs and BOIs [For A.Y. 2009-10]
- Form 46 : Application for obtaining Form DVAT 34 or DVAT 35
- Form 105 : Declaration / Revised declaration under Section 19 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 225 : VAT return form for Notified Oil Companies
- Form 202 : Return-cum-chalan of tax payable by a dealer under Maharashtra Value Added tax Act 2002
- Form 210 : Chalan in respect of payment made otherwise than with return by a dealer under Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 103 : Application for cancellation of Registration Certificate
- Form 304 : Application for cancellation of Assessment Order under sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 209 : Return for a dealer holding Certificate of Entitlement under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 305 : Application for the issuance of direction to assessing authority under sub-section (9) of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 207 : Return-cum-chalan in respect of lumpsum amount by way of composition in lieu of tax in case of Second Hand Car dealer under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 107 : Registration under the MVAT Act, 2002, certain clarifications and relief.
- Form 102 : Certificate of Registration
- Form 106 : Declaration under Sub-section (2) of section 19 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 212 : Defect notice for incomplete or inconsistent return under sub-section (2) of section 20 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 211 : Application for grant of permission to file consolidated return under section of 20 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 204 : Return-cum-chalan in respect of lumpsum amount by way of composition in lieu of tax in case of a retailer under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 101 : Application for Registration under section 16 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 309 : Notice to a person when it is proposed to pass an Order, which affects him adversely under section 25 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 201 : Return-cum-chalan of tax payable by a dealer under Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 104 : Application for certified copy of the extract from the list of registered dealers under sub section(7) of section 16 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 206 : Return-cum-chalan in respect of lumpsum amount by way of composition in lieu of tax in case of hotelier under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 303
- Form 214 : Return-cum-chalan in respect of lumpsum amount by way of composition in lieu of tax in case of a Caterers under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 308 : Stay Order under sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax act 2002
- Form 307 : Application for the rectification of mistake under sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 302 : Notice under sub-section (5) of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 301 : Notice under Sub- section (2),(3) or (4)of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 213 : Notice for payment of tax due according to a return under section 20 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 205 : Return-cum-chalan in respect of lumpsum amount by way of composition in lieu of tax in case of a Restaurant under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 310 : Appeal against an order of assessment, interest, penalty or fine under section 26 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002
- Form 312 : Admission memo-cum-stay order under section 26 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 408 : Declaration by a registered sub-contractor for the purpose of clause (f) of sub section (4) of section 45 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2003
- Form 406 : Certificate regarding payments made by the principal under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 706 : Application for the enrolment as a Sales Tax Practitioner under section 82 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 704 : Audit report under section 61 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 401 : Application for allotment of sales Tax Deduction Account number under sub-section (8) of section 31 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 313 : Application by senior citizen for the disposal of appeal on priority under sub-section (7) of section 26 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 503 : Refund payment order under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 403 : Yearly Statement of the tax deducted at source, to be sent to prescribed Aythority under sub-section (10) of section 31 of the Maharashtra value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 404 : Register to be maintained by the employer who deducted tax at source under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 416 : Tax Dues certificate to be issued under Clause (b) of Sub- Section (8) of Section 32 the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 315 : Notice under Sub- section -6- of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 705 : Intimation of acceptance of a sum by way of composition of an offence under section 78 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 412 : Notice for forfeiture and for imposing penalty under section 60 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 603 : Notice under section 64 of he Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 708 : Authority for person who is a relative or a person regularly employed under Section 82 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 504 : Refund payment order under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 414 : Application for clearance certificate under clause (a) of sub section (8) of section 32 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 402 : Certificate of tax deduction at source to be given to the dealer under sub-section (7) of section 31 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 411 : Certificate under sub clause (ii) of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 31 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002 for Tax Deduction at source or no tax deduction as the case may be.
- Form 701 : Application to question under sub-section (8) of section 10 in any proceeding any jurisdiction including territorial jurisdiction of any officer or person appointed under sub-section (2) of section 10 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 601 : Application against the order for provisional attachment under sub-section (5) of Section 35 the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 409 : Declaration by a registered Contractor for the purpose of clause (g) of sub section (4) of section 45 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2003
- Form 702 : Complaint against any authority for vexatious order or wilful underassessment under sub-section (1) of section 12 of Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 707 : List of Sales Tax Practitioners qualified under section 82 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 415 : Tax Clearance certificate to be issued under Clause (a) of Sub- Section (8) of Section 32 the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 502 : Order Sanctioning refund under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 602 : Notice under section 63 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 311 : Application for grant of stay against order of assessment, penalty, interest or fine under section 26 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 505 : Interest payment order under section 53 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 413 : Application for refund under sub-section (6) of section 32 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 314 : Application for the purpose of proviso to sub-section (1) of section 33 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 6 : Form of details of goods held in stock & capital asset as on 31.3.05 & details of set off claim
- Form AA : Form of memorandum of cross objection
- Form 419 : Refund order of for forfeited amount under sub-section (6) of section 32 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 417 : Order Sanctioning instalments under section 32(4) of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form 224 : Return-cum-challan of tax payable by a dealer under Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act2002
- Form F
- Form 2 : Composition form for Caterers
- Form 405 : Return-cum-challan of deduction of tax at source by an employer under section 31 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form A : Application for Registration as dealer
- Form 5 : Composition form for dealers in second hand Motor Vehicles
- Form 107B : Application for revalidation in cases of wrong cancellation of RC under section 22(8) of BST Act 1959
- Foem EE : Memorandum of Civil Revision Petition
- Form 801 : Transaction-Wise vat sales to customers e-Anexure, e-LOC - PART I
- Form J : Value Added Tax Monthly Return
- Forms C : Form for retirement from partnership
- Form 3 : Composition form for Bakers
- Form E : Declaration
- Form 317 : Order of cancellation of assessment order under sub-section (11) of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002
- Form FF : Memorandum of Civil Micellaneous Petition (Review)
- Form 4 : Composition form for Retailers