Application No. 11862 of 2017. Case: Vimal Yash Sahwal Vs State of U.P. and Another. High Court of Allahabad (India)

Case NumberApplication No. 11862 of 2017
CounselFor Appellant: Virendra Kumar Gupta, Adv. and For Respondents: G.A. and Shailesh Pandey, Adv.
JudgesSurya Prakash Kesarwani, J.
IssueNegotiable Instruments Act - Section 145
Judgement DateTuesday May 09, 2017
CourtHigh Court of Allahabad (India)


Surya Prakash Kesarwani, J.

Heard learned counsel for the applicant, learned A.G.A. for the opposite party no.1 and the learned counsel for the opposite party no.2.

Rejoinder affidavit filed today, is taken on record.

On 2.5.2017, this Court passed the following order;

" Heard learned counsel for the applicant, learned A.G.A. and Sri Shailesh Pandey, learned counsel for the opposite party no.2.

Counter affidavit has been filed today on behalf of the opposite no.2 which is taken on record.

It is admitted that against the order dated 13.04.2016, the opposite party no.2 filed an Application under Section 482 No.15537 of 2016 which was dismissed by this Court...

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