Review Application No. 330/00023/2014 in Original Application No. 44 of 2011. Case: U.N. Dwivedi Vs Union of India. Central Administrative Tribunal

Case NumberReview Application No. 330/00023/2014 in Original Application No. 44 of 2011
CounselFor Appellant: A.N. Shukla and O.P. Mishra
JudgesS.S. Tiwari, J. (Member (J)) and B. Bhamathi, Member (A)
IssueCode of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) - Order XLVII Rule 1; Indian Penal Code 1860, (IPC) - Sections 120B, 161; Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 - Sections 22(3)(f), 5(1)(d), 5(2)
Judgement DateWednesday July 02, 2014
CourtCentral Administrative Tribunal


S.S. Tiwari, J. (Member (J)), (Allahabad Bench)

  1. This Review Application has been filed by the Review Applicant (applicant in O.A.) against the Order dated 05.05.2014 passed by this Bench through which O.A. No. 44 of 2011 U.N. Dwivedi vs. Union of India and others was dismissed.

  2. The review applicant (also the applicant in the O.A.) had sought the relief to quash the Orders dated 03.06.2010 and 20.02.1978 and had also sought the relief of issuing a direction to the respondents to reinstate the applicant in service on the same post and the grade as he was on 28.09.1976. A further direction was sought to direct the respondents to pay all salary and allowances payable to applicant and then promotion and grade payable to the applicant till the date along with cost of the O.A. against the respondents.

  3. The main grounds of Review Application are that the Tribunal has failed to consider several vital issues and facts which were raised before it. The Tribunal has also failed to consider the material points raised by the applicants counsel regarding incompetence of the...

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