The Healthy Workplace Nudge by Rex Miller, Phillip Williams & Michael O'Neill.

Date01 October 2019
AuthorChauhan, Vinit Singh

The Healthy Workplace Nudge by Rex Miller, Phillip Williams & Michael O'Neill, Wiley USA, 2018, Pages: 296, Price: $ 32.00

The Healthy Workplace Nudge, as the authors claim is a hands-on guide for creating a healthy environment where employees and organization can thrive. Work is a stress inducer and this stress can result in chronic diseases. The rise in the rate of chronic diseases is adversely affecting the performance of organizations. The problem lies in the way in which the majority of organizations deliver their wellness programs which are not at all successful in improving the lives of employees who work for them. In this book authors, on the basis of their study on 100 large organizations, discuss why some organizations have been able to tackle the problem of employee health and the cost associated with it. The book is filled with examples through which one can have the insight in to development strategies and approaches for improving workplace conditions. In a nutshell, this book is about creating cultures of care.

The book has been divided into four parts. Part I, II and III have four chapters while the last part has five chapters. Part I of the book has been named as 'Slow Moving Storm: A History of Warnings and Apathy'. In chapter 1, the authors build the background for the coming chapters by explaining the huge problem which is lurking on our heads. To understand the problem, the authors being novice in the area, takes help of Michael Roizen, Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Clinic and Mark Benden, Department Head and Director of Ergonomics Centre at Texas A & M. Chapter 2 of the book has been titled as 'The Rainbow in the Storm: Medical Science Meets Building Science'. This chapter begins with Lehman Brother's collapse crisis and spiraling of world economies. The market correction which took place after the collapse demanded a total rethinking which will lead to team-based, egalitarian workplaces. It was after this...

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