CIC/RM/A/2013/000274. Case: Thakur Rajeshwar Singh, New Delhi Vs KVS, New Delhi. Central Information Commission

Case NumberCIC/RM/A/2013/000274
CounselShri N.Goel, Dy Commissioner & Shri SK Dwivedi, SO KVS HQ
JudgesRajiv Mathur, Central Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information Act, 2005
Judgement DateSeptember 17, 2013
CourtCentral Information Commission


Rajiv Mathur, Central Information Commissioner

  1. Vide RTI dt 18.12.12, appellant had sought information on 9 points and sub points relating to RTIs filed from January 2010 to December 2012.

  2. PIO vide letter dt 18.1.13, provided a point wise response.

  3. An appeal was filed on 22.1.13.

  4. AA vide order dt 21.3.13, upheld the decision of the PIO.

  5. Submissions made by public authority were heard. In the absence of the appellant, his views could not be ascertained.


  6. The...

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