Talent Pool on The Appointment of Directors of PLN (Persero) Viewed from Good Corporate Governance
Author | Ikhwan Nul Yusuf Maulana, Elisatris Gultom, Sudaryat Sudaryat |
Position | Undergraduate students of Law (economic law) Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University/Teaching staff at the Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University/Studied undergraduate (S1), master (S2), and doctoral (S3) degrees in law at the University of Padjadjaran |
Pages | 225-258 |
Labor and Employment Law
Talent Pool on the Appointment of Directors of
PLN (Persero) Viewed from Good Corporate
Ikhwan Nul Yusuf Maulana1*, Elisatris Gultom2, Sudaryat Sudaryat3
1 2 3 Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
History of Article
Submitted : June 21, 2020
Revised : July 21, 2020
Accepted : October 20, 2020
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All authors declared that there is no potential conflict of interest on publishing this article.
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All authors declared that this work is original and has never been published in any form
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Cite this article as:
Maulana, I. N. Y., Gultom, E., & Sudaryat, S. (2020). Talent Pool on The Appointment of
Directors of PLN (Persero) Viewed from Good Corporate Governance. Unnes Law
Journal, 6(2), 225-258. https://doi.org/10.15294/ulj.v6i2.39150
Jurnal Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jurnal Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang
Talent Pool on The Appointment of
Directors of PLN (Persero) Viewed
from Good Corporate Governance
Ikhwan Nul Yusuf Maulana, Elisatris Gultom, Sudaryat Sudaryat
ABSTRACT. Talent Pool on the appointment of BUMN Directors that has been
implemented at this time still leaves problems. This research aims to know how the
application of the Talent Pool on the appointment of Directors of PLN (Persero)
viewed from Good Corporate Governance and the implications for compliance and
performance aspects. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical
approach which is done analytically descriptive. The results showed there were still
mismatches in the application of the Talent Pool on the appointment of the Directors
of PLN (Persero) to several GCG principles that are transparency principle related
to the need for an information system to appoint Directors of BUMN which is
transparent and accountable, accountability principle is relating to the need for the
development of a performance appraisal system for Directors, BoC and
Shareholders and the accountability arrangements for professional institutions or
teams formed by the Minister of BUMN in conducting due diligence and propriety
tests for candidates for the BoD and independence principle is relating to the
process of appointing BUMN Directors which must be done in stages by involving
the final assessment by Tim Penilai Akhir. The implications of the application of
the Talent Pool that applies GCG principles have a significant impact on
compliance and performance aspects, this is evidenced by increased compliance
with applicable laws and regulations through prevention of acts against the law and
increased performance through company profitability.
KEYWORDS. Talent Pool; Directors; State Owned Enterprises; Good Corporate
Jurnal Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang
Labor and Employment Law
YWORDS. Child Labor; Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Talent Pool on The Appointment of
Directors of PLN (Persero) Viewed
from Good Corporate Governance
Ikhwan Nul Yusuf Maulana*, Elisatris Gultom, Sudaryat Sudaryat
State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) have now become one of the
economic actors relied upon for the benefit of the national economy in order
to realize the welfare of the community by gaining benefits that contribute to
state revenue and organizing public benefits in the form of providing high
quality and adequate goods and/or services for fulfillment of the lives of
many people. As of December 31, 2018, the total assets of BUMN have
exceeded Rp 8.092 trillion with total profits continuing to grow to Rp 188
trillion from Rp 150 trillion in 2015.2
During the 2014-2018 period, revenues from state assets separated
mainly came from BUMN profit sharing. In that period, the performance of
BUMN continued to experience positive developments, both in terms of
assets, equity, revenue and operating profit.3 This shows that in general,
BUMN are able to cope with the pressures of global economic conditions.
* Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. Corresponding email: ikhwan 16002@mail.unpad.ac.id .
This research actually developed from my undergraduate thesis at Faculty of Law Universitas
2 Herlina Kartika, Menteri Rini: Aset BUMN mencapai Rp 8.092 triliun hingga akhir Desember
2018, Kontan.co.id, retrieved from <https://regional.kontan.co.id/news/m enteri-rini-aset-bumn-
mencapai-rp-8092-triliun-hingga-akhir-desember-2018> in 3 December 2019 at 10:40 WIB.
3 Nota Keuangan dan RUU APBN 2019, Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, Part IV.3,
p. 16.
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