U/S 378 Cr.P.C. No. 158 of 2017. Case: State of U.P. Vs Sarla Tiwari & Ors.. High Court of Allahabad (India)

Case NumberU/S 378 Cr.P.C. No. 158 of 2017
JudgesShabihul Hasnain and Satya Narain Agnihotri, JJ.
IssueCriminal Procedure Code - Section 378(3); Indian Penal Code - Sections 498A, 304B
Judgement DateThursday May 11, 2017
CourtHigh Court of Allahabad (India)


Heard Sri Chandra Shekhar Pandey, learned Additional Government Advocate.

This application for leave to appeal has been filed under Section 378(3) Cr.P.C. against the judgment of acquittal dated 7.1.2017, passed by the Special Judge, C.B.I, Court No.5, Lucknow, in Sessions Trial Nos.105 of 2009 and 341 of 2009, Crime No.462 of 2008, whereby the accused respondents were charged and tried for the offences punishable under Sections 498A, 304B I.P.C. and Section 3/4 Dowry Prohibition Act, P.S.Talkatora, District Lucknow.

Learned court below has awarded acquittal on the ground that the investigation has...

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