CIC/AD/C/2013/000077-DS. Case: Shri Vrij Mohan Yadav, Kolkata (West Bengal) Vs O/o. the Additional District Magistrate (GNCT), Delhi. Central Information Commission

Case NumberCIC/AD/C/2013/000077-DS
JudgesSmt. Deepak Sandhu, Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information (RTI) Act - Sections 18(1), 20(1)
Judgement DateJuly 19, 2013
CourtCentral Information Commission


Smt. Deepak Sandhu, Information Commissioner

  1. The Commission has received a petition, dated 17/12/2012 (Diary No.:189969/2012) from Shri Vrij Mohan Yadav, Kolkata (West Bengal), stating that he/she has received no reply/information from the concerned PIO in respect of his/her RTI application of dated 06/11/2012 filed with the PIO, the Deputy Commissioner, M. L. Bandh, Kishan Kunj, Shastri Nagar, Delhi. A copy of the complaint and the RTI application are enclosed.

  2. It is observed...

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