File No. CIC/AD/A/2012/002665. Case: Shri Sohan Pal Varshney Vs Northern Railway Station Suprintendent Amroha Railway station. Central Information Commission

Case NumberFile No. CIC/AD/A/2012/002665
JudgesAnnapurna Dixit, Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information Act
Judgement DateMarch 21, 2013
CourtCentral Information Commission


Annapurna Dixit, Information Commissioner


1. The Applicant filed RTI Application dated 25.7.11 with the PIO, Station Master, Northern Railway, Amroha. The Applicant wanted to know whether the consignment which were sent on 8.9.10, 29.9.10 and 8.2.11 were released at Amroha or not and to whom they were released at Amroha. PIO replied on 3.8.11 providing some information. Thereafter the applicant filed first appeal on 23.5.12 with the DRM office, Moradabad. On not receiving any reply from the FAA, the Appellant filed his second appeal before the Commission on 16.7.12.


During the hearing the Appellant informed the Commission that three consignment were sent by him from Delhi to Amroha on 8.9.10, 29.9.10 and 8.2.11 and the PIO had acknowledged the receipt of only one consignment sent on 8.9.10. He wanted to know to whom the remaining consignments were released in Amroha. According to the Appellant these two consignments were to be sent to the Chief Medical Officer, Stores in Amroha. The Respondent on his part stated that the consignment sent on 29.9.10 and 8.2.11 were not received by them at Amroha. The Appellant then produced the bill tickets in respect of the two consignments sent on 29.9.10 and 8.2.11 by him as a proof of the fact that these consignments were indeed sent by him by the said trains. He stated that he is not willing to accept the Respondents' submission that the consignment sent by him were not received at Amroha, while leveling...

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