CIC/RM/A/2012/001058. Case: Shri Ritesh Malviya, Allahabad Vs Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad. Central Information Commission

Case NumberCIC/RM/A/2012/001058
CounselShri RB Singh
JudgesRajiv Mathur, Central Information Commissioner
IssueRight to Information Act, 2005 - Section 8(1)(j)
Judgement DateMonday August 05, 2013
CourtCentral Information Commission


Rajiv Mathur, Central Information Commissioner

  1. Vide RTI dt 4.7.12, appellant had sought information on 6 points relating to details of candidates appeared in the interview and the marks allotted by the Interview Board.

  2. PIO vide letter dt 24.7.12, informed the appellant that as he had sought information under the orders of the Hon'ble High Court, Allahabad, a certified copy of the order is required to be attached with the RTI application. Moreover, the appellant was also asked...

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