Original Application No. 040/00145/2017. Case: Shri Bamin Tari Vs The Union of India and Ors.. ITAT (Income Tax Appellate Tribunal)

Case NumberOriginal Application No. 040/00145/2017
CounselFor Appellant: Mr. M. Chanda, Mrs. U. Dutta & Mr. H. Das, Adv.
JudgesMohd. Haleem Khan, Administrative Member
IssueAdministrative Law
Judgement DateMonday June 05, 2017
CourtITAT (Income Tax Appellate Tribunal)


Mohd. Haleem Khan, Member (A)

  1. Mr. M. Chanda, learned counsel submitted that the present applicant approached this court by O.A. No. 040/00247/2014 which was allowed on 20.04.2015. The operative portion is extracted below:-

    -- 54. In view of the discussions made in the foregoing paragraphs and following the ration laid down by the Honble Supreme Court, the Honble Delhi High Court as well as the decisions of the Central Administrative Tribunal, we accordingly set aside and quash the impugned Memorandum of Charges dated 05/07.03.2014.--

  2. Against the above...

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