Satisfaction of the Police Personnel from their Working Conditions: A Case Study of Haryana

Published date01 March 2024
AuthorSewa Singh Dahiya,Samunder Singh,Sunil Deswal
Date01 March 2024
Satisfaction of the
Police Personnel
from their Working
Conditions: A Case
Study of Haryana
Sewa Singh Dahiya1, Samunder Singh1 and Sunil Deswal2,3
Working conditions in an organisation have a direct bearing on its performance.
Better working conditions are a source of constant motivation for its employees,
which further help in extracting their best towards realisation of organisational
goals in terms of customer satisfaction. Police organisation is no exception and
to generate people-friendly policing, amelioration in their working conditions is
a necessity. The present study is an endeavour to make a detailed examination
of the working conditions of the Haryana police personnel and their resultant
satisfaction from them. To this end, a sample of 710 police personnel was drawn
from various police establishments across the state for this study.
Working conditions, satisfaction, police–public relationship, people-friendly po-
licing, grievance-redressal mechanism
Conducive environment is inevitable for an employee to carry out his duties in an
effective way. Such an organisational environment has a direct relationship with
the overall performance of its employees. On the contrary, a stressful environment
in an organisation mars the organisational efciency. Central to the conducive
environment in an organisation is the extension of better working conditions to its
employees. Availability of better working conditions to the employees plays a
signicant role not only in raising the potential of the functionaries but also in
Indian Journal of Public
70(1) 173–190, 2024
© 2023 IIPA
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/00195561231204918
Department of Public Administration, M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Formerly with Chhotu Ram Kisan College, Jind, Haryana, India
All India Jat Heroes’ Memorial College, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Corresponding author:
Sewa Singh Dahiya, Department of Public Administration, M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana 124001,
174 Indian Journal of Public Administration 70(1)
their outputs. Sound working environment acts as the driving force to motivate
the organisational manpower to work more for the progress and development of
the organisation. In fact, the effectiveness of an organisation has a direct bearing
on the satisfaction of the organisational employees from their working conditions.
This satisfaction further contributes towards the maximum goal realisation which
ultimately results in customer satisfaction on which the stability of the organisa-
tion depends. Very few research studies have been conducted about the working
conditions of the police organisations in India.
In common parlance, ‘…working conditions cover a broad range of topics and
issues, from working time (hours of work, rest periods, and work schedules) to
remuneration, as well as the physical conditions and mental demands that exist in
the workplace’ (International Labour Organization, n.d.). They can be dened as
those actions ‘… in which an individual or staff works, including but not limited to
such things as amenities, physical environment, stress and noise levels, degree of
safety or danger, and the like’ (Business Dictionary, n.d.). They include organisa-
tional harmony, cordial junior–senior relationship, adequacy of staff, adequate
infrastructure, that is, availability of buildings, necessary equipment, availability of
necessary amenities like water supply, sewerage, toilets facilities and so on. Working
conditions are those conditions under which an employee is obliged to discharge
his/her administrative obligations. They act as a prime source of employee’s moti-
vation. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to examine the working
conditions in which the police personnel in Haryana discharge their duties and their
resultant satisfaction from them.
Objectives of the Study
The objective of the paper is to examine the working conditions in different police
establishments and the resultant satisfaction of the sampled police persons with respect
to availability of housekeeping services (cook, sweeper and washerman), availability
of drinking water, toilets and recreation facilities, supply of food and other essentials,
while on long duty hours, availability of electricity and power-backup arrangement,
availability of retiring rooms and separate rooms for investigating ofcers (IOs),
availability of accommodation facilities, ofce amenities and satisfaction from griev-
ance-redressal machinery.
Sample Selection
A sample of 710 police personnel was drawn across the state (Haryana) to examine
whether they were satised with their working conditions or not. It included all
the trafc police stations/aid centres, fty randomly selected police stations situ-
ated in both rural and urban areas (twenty-ve from each area) and fty randomly
selected police posts situated in both rural and urban areas (twenty-ve from each
area). In that also eight respondents from each police station, four respondents
from each police post and ve respondents from each trafc police station/aid
centres were randomly selected as per the detailed scheme given below (Table 1).

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