Reward Program, Job Satisfaction & Employee Engagement: An Empirical Study.
Date | 01 July 2019 |
Author | Bose, Indranil |
There is plethora of variations taking place around the globe with reference to rewarding performers. Prizes lend great justification to measure performance of every employee. Management often makes use of rewards to ignite worker's spirits and inspire them to perform out of their skin on a sustained basis. Thus, the framework concerning rewards helps to rope in new workers to give their best and it also persuades existing employees to perform at a much higher pedestal than their normal level. Having eyes firmly set on the possible rewards workers often get motivated to attain performance goals set by the top management. Business methodology connected with tangible reward systems garners inspiration towards work completion entirely scripts achievement of various goals sustained by organizations (Devanna et al., 1984). Both private sector and public sector display similar trends of significant relationship between rewards, motivation and task completion of representatives (Schuler & Jackson 1996). Today representatives are involved in their operational exercises which are for their advantages and feel inherent inspiration in their practices as their exercises are agreeable and attractive (Vansteenkist&Lens, 2006). Motivation represents a variable containing actions of intense power on human mind. Motivation gradually aggregates relevant practices impacting human conduct to achieve certain goal (Bhuian, 1996). The study by Board (2007) has further shown that in the presence of substantial factors of motivation, employees develop the strategies by themselves to execute unfinished tasks towards appropriate quality performance framework and goal expectations in the respective organizations.
Lewis and Frank (2002) witnessed a tricky contrast: respondents who offer significance to high salary will probably incline toward private segment business yet more averse to work for people in general. The remarkable employee recognition programs, inspiration and occupation fulfillment makes one of a kind (Boxall & Purcell, 2003). Motivators, prizes and acknowledgment are the real angles that impact on employees' inspiration. The awards that people look for from their association are of three sorts i.e. extraneous, intrinsic and social rewards (Williamson et al, 2009). Extraneous rewards are the tangible benefits given by the management, for example, pay rise, cash award and career advancement-opportunities. Intrinsic prizes include inspirational attributes of position, for example, self-governance (Hackmen & Oldham, 1976). Social rewards emerge from cooperation with professional colleagues and builds potent harmony with supervisors and team leaders. Strong nexus between reward systems and acknowledgment often sparks of comparison between employee motivation and job-satisfaction (Ali & Ahmed, 2009). In any organization, rewards are instrumental in supporting devotion among employees elevate requirement of performance and consistent employees (Wangia, 2004). Being a territorial representation of holding company Mondelez International Incorporation, USA, $30 billion organization comes to the fore as a potent sweat shop combination, particularly in sustenance and refreshment, riding on the consistent and record-breaking efforts of close to 100,000 individuals globally (Mondelez website, 2018). Aware of unpredictable financial situations, expanding average costing of basic items as UAE is a hyperinflationary economy; business houses are agonized over maintaining performance levels of employees and thus connect for formulating various aggregate rewards programs. Be that as it may, the present scientist means to do the exploration on the Dubai operation to gage the effect of prizes projects on representatives' engagement and occupation fulfillment of its Dubai office. Employee engagement is placed to be more critical than representative fulfillment on the grounds that does it typify the last as well as reflects the dedication of employees to an organization, hence engaged are said to convey better execution, which is basic for accomplishment of any business. On the contrary, disengaged employees will undoubtedly trade off their yield which is best reflected in client objections, this suggests to a lower degree of representatives who have not been exceptionally dedicated to their work, or as such, they feel withdrawn. The separation of the workers is an enormous issue as it bargains the hierarchical execution as well as the impacts is expansive since the clients and productivity of the firm are additionally influenced (Armstrong, 2008). Internationally, the engagement levels of representatives are said to be fundamentally steady from Asia pacific district to Europe to North America. A past employees' engagement survey shows that representative engagement is low in Dubai regional office (Mondelez Engagement Survey, 2014). This has been faulted for among others, poor compensation and absence of representatives' commitment in choice making. Nonetheless, how the representative engagement impacts authoritative execution is generally underlooked into. This reality has, obviously, required the present study. It is observed that the level of participation of representatives at Mondelez, EEMEA is gradually diminishing, as such; employees are not exceedingly fulfilled by their occupations. This impact can be found in employee annual execution reports and appraisals. Accordingly, association has not possessed the capacity to accomplish its budgetary focus in UAE locale. Then again, administration is attempting to minimize the HR cost which implies lower speculation on prizes programs.
Review of Literature
Till date, a plethora of academic research was directed at work fulfillment and employee's participation linking it to total rewards by numerous analysts, agents and manpower management experts. The job performance and workers' participation thrive when representatives are confined to work and organization and employees are profoundly energetic to accomplish high level of execution (Armstrong, 2008). The connected workforce will resent and act practically, suspect open doors and strategize completion of activities adjusting to authoritative objectives and goals (Maccey et al., 2009). Having said that, aggregate prizes procedure assumes a noteworthy part to help the motivational and engagement level of workers in any association to guarantee that the estimations of individuals and their commitment towards authoritative, departmental and group objectives are perceived and remunerated appropriately (Armstrong, 2008). Despite the fact that the prime place of participation endeavors team building programs, workforce assessment reviews and non-monetary rewards driven structures have been observed to be integrated with worker participation, harmony, performance and accountability (Luthaans & Summers, 2005), collectively utilized as precondition for worker participation. In their review on the effect of prizes projects on representative engagement among 736 respondents from around the globe Scott & McMullen (2006) conducted in USA, Arizona on the effect of prize projects on worker execution to decide how they add up to remunerate projects and worker engagement are connected. Their reviews likewise helped in figuring out if absolute prizes projects are connected with association's execution or not. Their study set up that the degree to which associations utilized strategies to explicitly connect with representatives changed extensively.
This was exemplified by 44% of the organizations demonstrating that they expressly included representative engagement in their association system; while then again, 31% said they did not. 60% of the respondents showed that they utilized variable pay to remunerate worker engagement which was contended to be high. The study discoveries further exposed that 42% of the respondents were of the perspective that their association's total rewards procedures positively affected representative engagement, while 24% held opposite supposition. The Two Factor Theory represents the hypothesis produced by Frederick Herzberg. Like Maslow, Herzberg stresses implication of human evolution and self-esteem needs must rank as qualities necessary to be displayed while carrying out their duties fulfilling single advancement needs arising in a definitive set up (Pinder, 2008). Herzberg's hypothesis will be evaluated as it incorporates critical viewpoints with respect to demotivators in an authoritative domain. Hertzberg identified various employees, project teams, sections as well as top managements to respond in various countries, sectors, additionally enormous associations to indicate the elements duly prompting significant job-related demeanors furthermore, that prompted adverse work disposition. It is imperative to focus that Herzberg did not consider outright work performance which would be the main disappointment. Attributes regarding performance or disappointment were discernible from every other staff member and subsequently diverse elements were propelling disappointment of non-completion of performance schedule. As a consequence of this there would be just great fulfillment the inverse of which would be no work fulfillment. The variables which prompt occupation fulfillment are called sparks and these are connected with the...
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