MA No. 2990 of 2017. Case: Ramji Singh Yadav Vs State of U.P. and Others. High Court of Allahabad (India)

Case NumberMA No. 2990 of 2017
CounselFor Appellant: Umesh Kumar Rai, Adv.
JudgesManoj Misra, J.
IssueCriminal Procedure Code - Sections 125, 128
Judgement DateTuesday May 09, 2017
CourtHigh Court of Allahabad (India)


Manoj Misra, J.

Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and perused the record.

The present petition has been filed challenging the order dated 09.01.2017 passed by the Principal Judge, Family Court, Ghazipur by which an objection taken by the petitioner to the recovery proceeding initiated by the opposite party no.2 pursuant to the order of maintenance granted under Section 125 Cr.P.C., has been rejected. The petitioner has also challenged the order dated 28.03.2017 by which recovery warrant has been directed to be...

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