Original Application No. 217 of 2015. Case: Ram Narayan Vs Union of India and Ors.. Central Administrative Tribunal

Case NumberOriginal Application No. 217 of 2015
CounselFor Appellant: Sri Praveen Kumar, Adv.
JudgesMr. V.C. Gupta, Member-J
IssueRight to Information Act, 2005
Judgement DateWednesday May 17, 2017
CourtCentral Administrative Tribunal


(Lucknow Bench)

  1. The applicant has filed this O.A. claiming difference of Gratuity amount to the tune of Rs. 43,448/- per annum as well as arrears of pay amounting to Rs. 42761/- as a result of grant of CPC alongwith interest @ 18% per annum.

  2. The applicant has not filed any calculation sheet. It has been contended that the applicant inducted into Railway service as casual labour in the year 1972. He was granted temporary status on 15.1.1979. His services were regularized w.e.f. 1.1.1990 and retired from service on 30.6.2011. On retirement, the applicant was granted all dues in June, 2011 vide letter dated 29.6.2011. Thereafter, he moved a representation on 30.8.2011 claiming benefits of entire service i.e. 32= years rendered by him. He also claimed the difference of amount of Gratuity after counting the entire service. Neither copy of letter dated 29.6.2011, nor...

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