Pre-nuptial Agreement

Updated atMarch 2010

The following form is intended for illustrative purposes only. You and your attorney can use this sample as a guide in drafting a prenuptial agreement that best protects your interests and complies with the laws in effect where you live.

___________________________________, Hereinafter referred to as Prospective Husband, and ___________________________, Hereinafter referred to as Prospective Wife, hereby agree on this _____ day of ________________, in the year ______, as follows:

Prospective Husband and Prospective Wife contemplate marriage in the near future and wish to establish their respective rights and responsibilities regarding each other's income and property and the income and property that may be acquired, either separately or together, during the marriage.

Prospective Husband and Prospective Wife have made a full and complete disclosure to each other of all of their financial assets and liabilities, as more fully set forth in the accompanying Financial Statements, attached hereto as Exhibits A and B.

Except as otherwise provided below, Prospective Husband and Prospective Wife waive the following rights:

To share in each other's estates upon their death or separation/divorce without a prenup, state law will...

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