Policy On Reducing Child Labor As The Elimination Of The Worst Forms Of Child Labor
Author | Errika Putri Anggriani |
Position | Universitas Negeri Semarang |
Pages | 2-20 |
Policy on Reducing Child Labor as
the Elimination of the Worst Forms
of Child Labor
Errika Putri Anggriani
ABSTRACT. The issue of child labor is increasingly complex because many
children are working at school age. Child labor is very vulnerable to exploitation,
dangerous work, moral and psychological, and hampered access to education. So
the government issued a policy of Reducing Child Labor in the Framework of
Supporting the Family Hope Program (PPA-PKH) as an Effort to Eliminate the
Worst Forms of Children (PBPTA) with the aim that children can be returned to the
education unit and Pemalang Regency is one of the districts that runs the PPA
program -PKH. Issues examined: (1)Implementation PPA-PKH Policy As PBPTA
Efforts in Pemalang District (2) Constraints and efforts to overcome obstacles in
the Implementation PPA-PKH policy as an effort for PBPTA in Pemalang Regency.
This research uses a sociological juridical approach. Research result(1)
Implementation PPA-PKH policy in Pemalang Regency has been running in
accordance with the objectives, with the formation of shelters through 3 stages,
namely pre shelters, shelters, and post shelters and received school
recommendations (2) Efforts to overcome obstacles in implementation PPA-PKH
policy in Pemalang Regency, which includes data on prospective beneficiaries, is
only 10% valid, so the effort to do additional data. The obstacles of the shelter din's
companion are their efforts to take a psychological approach and change the way
of learning. Lack of coordination between related agencies so that their efforts to
coordinate and joint commitments between related agencies and propose
scholarship programs for child beneficiaries. Suggestions given by researchers that
prospective beneficiary data should be updated every year, provide socialization
attended by beneficiary families about the importance of education for the
development of the family economy, improved coordination between related
agencies, the existence of certainty that children get scholarships or BSM for
KEYWORDS. Child Labor; Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Policy on Reducing Child Labor as
the Elimination of the Worst Forms
of Child Labor
Errika Putri Anggriani*
Children as creatures of God Almighty who have human rights from
birth, these rights will always exist when the child is growing up to death, so
that no human being or any other party will take and deprive these rights of
human beings or take away these rights. ensure the growth and development
of children in terms of mental and spiritual and social, children are also
entitled to protection and acts of power against discrimination. Child
protection can also be interpreted as all efforts aimed at preventing,
rehabilitating, and empowering children who have experienced child abuse,
exploitation and neglect, in order to ensure the survival and development of
children naturally, physically, mentally, and social.2
* Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. Corresponding email: putri_errika@yahoo.com. This
research actually developed from my undergraduate thesis at Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri
Semarang. I would like to thank to Mr Tri Sulistiyono SH MH who constantly give me a lot of
invaluable comments, suggestions, and inputs for my research.
2 Maidin Gultom, P erlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak dalam Sistem Pera dilan Pidana Anak di
Indonesia, Bandung, PT Refika Aditama, 2013, pp. 5 6-60. Furthermore, it is also emphasized
that The problem of child labor or child labor is regulated in ps.1 of Law No.25 of 1997
concerning Manpower ( Manpower Act), which at the same time sets the age limit for children
who are allowed to work is 15 years, both for boys an d for children women. But responding to
the question whether the reg ulation is adequate and the extent of its implementation is far from
easy, because until now the prob lem of child labor is still controversial in the issue of child
protection in general. That said, the problem of child labor is a classic problem in terms of child
protection. There are three approaches in looking at the problem of child labor, namely abolition,
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