Plaints for a Suit for Possession

Updated atMarch 2010

In the Court of...................

Suit No.......20...

............................. Plaintiff



The above named plaintiff begs to submit as under:

  1. That previously........... of which total area as............. and....... was in...... of two persons...................... and...................... out of which Shri..................was the......... land and remaining......... and........ was under the....... of............. and the entire............... was under the............... of......................

  2. That after the death of............ land was inherited by his three sons Shri..............., and Shri..................who are the predecessor-in-interest of the plaintiff.

  3. That this................ land which is disputed in the plaint and shall be called the property in suit in further paras of the plaint.

  4. That this........ land which later on came in.......... was also entered in..........and because the entire area was abadi area therefore it was entered with the name of....................... but in......... the name of the predecessor-in-interest over the property in suit was entered with the name of.......................... and others.

  5. That after some time the all three sons of Shri........................ viz. Sri................, Sri...................and Sri....................had executed power of attorney is favour of one person...

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