Overview of the Special Issue in Honour of Professor Murray C. Kemp
Author | Binh Tran-Nam,Makoto Tawada |
DOI | http://doi.org/10.1177/00157325221129725 |
Published date | 01 February 2023 |
Date | 01 February 2023 |
Foreign Trade Review
58(1) 7–14, 2023
© 2022 Indian Institute of
Foreign Trade
Reprints and permissions:
Overview of the Special
Issue in Honour of
Professor Murray
C. Kemp
This special issue of Foreign Trade Review celebrates the late Professor Murray
C. Kemp’s contributions to international trade theory and investment. The issue is
co-edited by two of Professor Kemp’s PhD graduates. The contributors to this
special issue represent a select sample of Professor Kemp’s friends, colleagues,
former graduate students and mentees from around the world, including his two
most significant and prolific co-authors, namely Professor Henry Wan, Jr. and the
late Professor Ngo Van Long. Professors Wan and Long kindly agreed to contrib-
ute not only articles but also tributes to Professor Kemp.
It is our very sad duty to report the passing of the late Professor Ngo Van Long
in Montreal on 15 January 2022. During the preparation of his article and tribute
to Professor Kemp, Professor Long took ill, but he courageously pressed on and
successfully completed his article before the end of 2021. Professor Long’s pre-
mature passing is deeply mourned, and his contribution to this special issue is
greatly appreciated.
The remainder of this introduction consists of two tributes to Professor Kemp,
by Professors Wan and Long respectively, a list of co-authors, a summary descrip-
tion of the eight articles that will follow in the special issue, and, finally, acknowl-
edgements. All the articles in this issue have been subject to a double-blind
reviewing process.
Before proceeding to the two tributes, it is interesting to note as a preliminary
matter that several important steps in each of the co-editors’ own academic jour-
neys in Australia have coincided with significant milestones in Professor Kemp’s
prolific research output. First co-editor Professor Binh Tran-Nam’s arrival in
Australia as an undergraduate student took place in the same year, 1972, that
Professors Kemp and Wan published their free trade gains result in the general
equilibrium Arrow–Debreu framework (Kemp & Wan, 1972). The year 1976,
when the first co-editor completed his undergraduate study, the now famous
Kemp–Wan proposition on trade gains of customs unions (Kemp & Wan, 1976),
appeared in print. When the first and second co-editors commenced their master’s
degree and doctoral study in 1977, respectively, Professors Kemp and Long also
began their productive research collaboration.
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