Case nº First Appeal No. 491 Of 2016, (Against the Order dated 22/04/2016 in Complaint No. 15/2015 of the State Commission Himachal Pradesh) of NCDRC Cases, Friday June 02, 2017 (case Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. Vs Sai Ram Education Trust)

JudgeFor Appellant: Dr. Lalit Kumar Sharma, Advocate and For Respondents: Mr. J.R. Sharma, Advocate
PresidentMr. D.K. Jain,President and Mr. Dr. B.C. Gupta,Member
Resolution DateFriday June 02, 2017
Issuing OrganizationNCDRC Cases


This First Appeal has been preferred by the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and its Branch Manager, the Opposite Parties in the Complaint, against the order dated 10.03.2016, passed by the Himachal Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission at Shimla (for short "the State Commission") in Complaint Case No. 15 of 2015. By the impugned order, the State Commission has directed ex-parte proceedings against the Appellants on the ground that on the date fixed, nobody had...

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