SLP(C) No. ..../2014 (C.C. No. 9453/2013). Case: New India Assurance Company Ltd. Vs Binu Sidhu. Supreme Court (India)

Case NumberSLP(C) No. ..../2014 (C.C. No. 9453/2013)
JudgesGyan Sudha Misra and Jasti Chelameswar, JJ.
IssueConstitutional Law
Citation2014 (6) SCALE 84
Judgement DateApril 24, 2014
CourtSupreme Court (India)


  1. Counsel for the parties were heard at the admission stage and the order was reserved so as to dispose of the matter finally. However, on going through the matter, we are of the view that this matter requires hearing at length and hence we condone the delay in filing special leave petition and grant leave in...

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