I.T.A. No. 168/Ind/2017. Case: Ms. Shriji Polymers(India) Ltd. Vs ACIT 2(1). ITAT (Income Tax Appellate Tribunal)

Case NumberI.T.A. No. 168/Ind/2017
CounselFor Appellant: Shri S.S. Deshpande, Adv. and For Respondents: Shri Mohd. Javed
JudgesShri C.M. Garg, Judicial Member and Shri O.P. Meena, Accountant Member
IssueCompanies Act
Judgement DateFriday May 05, 2017
CourtITAT (Income Tax Appellate Tribunal)


Shri C.M. Garg, JM

  1. This appeal has been filed by the assessee against the order of the learned CIT(A), Ujjain, dated 24.1.2017 in First Appeal No. U-310/2016-17 for the assessment year 2013-14.

  2. The only issue raised in this appeal by the assessee is that the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) was not justified in confirming the addition of Rs.7,50,738/- by making 10% ad hoc disallowance of certain expenses.

  3. During the course of assessment proceedings the Assessing Officer found from the bills and vouchers relating to ''car running expenses'', ''refreshment expenses'', ''vehicle running expenses''...

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